The overall goal of “enHancing dIgital and Green growtH in the Food processing industry via Interregional innoVation invEstments” (HIGHFIVE) is to foster, enable and facilitate SME targeted and interregional investment…
The overall goal of “enHancing dIgital and Green growtH in the Food processing industry via Interregional innoVation invEstments” (HIGHFIVE) is to foster, enable and facilitate SME targeted and interregional investment…
Objectives The overall objective of this project is the development of a joint internationalisation strategy for our clusters, a smart strategy based on an original combination of various interconnected specializations.…
Smart sensors for the food production industry. The improvement of quality control, resource efficiency and food safety represent critical demands of the food processing industry. Digitalisation is emerging as an…
Tribiome’s vision is to develop and implement a systemic solution to transform current food production systems. To this end, Tribiome aims to advance alignment with the Green Deal and Farm2fork…
Internationalization of healthy food products, biosourced techno-functional solutions and biosolutions. This project aims to: Strengthen strategic inter-cluster cooperation by maximizing inter-regional and inter-cluster cooperation while orienting their strategies towards a…
The current agri-food value chains have been under considerable pressure in recent years. Nevertheless, this highlights the opportunities of new innovative business models, products, and services. Considering the challenges experienced…
Valorization of plant co-product proteins into biostimulants for agriculture In the context of the European Green Deal, climate change and an increase in the cost of agricultural inputs (highlighted by…
Development of a machine learning-based process for microbial bioprocess optimization The Proactif project focuses on the implementation of a bioprocess digitization framework in order to unify technologies for process optimization…
Development of interconnected photovoltaic and auxiliary greenhouses Food and energy issues are crucial for the coming years, and generally oriented towards a consumption that is cleaner, more local and more…
Innovative bacteriophage therapy in livestock management: a strategy to reduce antibiotic use in livestock management This project was conceived on the basis of the important economic and sanitary impacts related…