ManuREfinery project, funded by CBE, starting this September, will focus on the valorization of products derived from animal sectors. The ManuREfinery project aims to deploy a smart, modular, mobile, and sustainable small-scale decentralized biorefinery that will convert livestock manure into novel added-value bio-based feed ingredients and fertilizers.

The implementation of ManuREfinery will result in the creation of 7 new value chains in the livestock sector, producing 7 bio-ingredients from any type of manure (cows, pigs, chickens) due to its flexible and modular nature. 23 partners are involved in this project from 9 European countries for a required amount of more than €7,000 000.


To improve the management of manure and control of NH3 emissions, ManuREfinery has several objectives:

  • Develop a comprehensive design of the ManuREfinery valorisation units, custom-engineering every modular system to ensure reliability, flexibility, operational simplicity, and economic accessibility of the technologies and resources. The project will develop a digital twin of the biorefinery to optimise and predict its performance and help with scaling up  and replication of the technologies.
  • Demonstrate and validate the ManuREfinery technologies for the use of livestock manure for animal feed and fertiliser bioingredients.
  • Demonstrate the techno-economic viability of the ManuREfinery and its environmental and socio-economic benefits. The project will define economic requirements and operational expenses of the proposed technologies, providing a comprehensive overview of the required investment and profitability. ManuREfinery will also implement life cycle analysis tools.
  • Ensure the adaptability and replicability of the ManuREfinery with implementation strategies, engagement of key stakeholders, a roadmap to replicate the solution and a multicriteria decision-making tool.
  • Identify market opportunities and create business models for the EU’s livestock sector.
  • Promote and disseminate the ManuREfinery concept and benefits among livestock stakeholders and the general audience.

Discover more info on the project : HERE