Mixed bio-waste generated along the agri-food value chain is an abundant resource, rich in valuable compounds e.g., polysaccharides or polyphenolic constituents. Yet, its potential as a source of recycled components is untapped – 75% of the generated bio-waste (approx. 85 M/y) is landfilled or incinerated, constituting 3% of total EU GHG emissions.
Valorisation of mixed bio-waste from the agri-food sector is hindered by:
1) technological challenges of removing impurities (e.g., plastics, cardboard, or metals) that would otherwise decrease the process quality,
2) logistics challenges of collecting seasonal, geographically dispersed feedstock that lower valorisation cost-benefit.
MixMatters proposes an innovative system that efficiently separates and valorises three types of mixed bio-waste streams containing impurities from the agri-food industry (wholesale markets, greenhouses, food and drink industry) and obtains six high value-added outputs (powder ingredients, sugar concentrates, recombinant proteins, green fibres, bioactive compounds, plastic monomers).
The MixMatters system is modular and multi-purpose – able to treat a range of mixed bio-waste streams (ensuring feedstock supply). The separation stage is automated, integrating advanced robotics and AI. It is also containerised – separating the bio-waste at waste generation sites to avoid inefficient transportation of water and stream spoilage.
The system functioning is optimised via a Decision Support while transparency + traceability are ensured via a Digital Product Passport. In the project, the system will be demonstrated during 15 months at three waste generation sites, along with output validation with 6 bio-based industries and active involvement of value chain actors (partner networks outreach + 2,280 members) – to ensure result deployment.
MixMatters will contribute to meeting the separation targets of the Waste Framework Directive (separated 6,240 t/y by one system at industrial scale)
More info: https://mixmatters.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mixmatters/