The aim of the Reucycle project is to support SMEs in the agri-food sector in innovating with regard to packaging, which is crucial to competitiveness, food preservation and logistics. Faced with growing environmental concerns, particularly plastic pollution, the project is part of the European strategy to recycle 55% of plastic packaging by 2030. Through a cross-border approach, Reucycle proposes an inter-regional analysis of the value chain to identify the challenges and opportunities linked to the recycling of plastic food packaging.

The project brings together value chain players in different basins, in Wallonia, Flanders and France, to raise awareness and respond to identified needs, by developing 5 concrete business cases among food companies.

The project partners are contributing their expertise and networks to ensure the success of this 3.5-year initiative.


The aim is to optimize the sorting and recyclability of packaging while maintaining its functionality, through collaboration between packaging developers and sorting and recycling equipment manufacturers.