Wasabi 2.0
Stimulate an innovative, resilient horticultural agri-food sector in rural and (peri-)urban areas.
Objective :
The aim of the WASABI 2.0 IIS is to enable us all to take our food destiny back into our own hands. More specifically, the aim is to stimulate an innovative, resilient horticultural agri-food sector in rural and (peri-)urban areas, focusing on the production, processing and distribution of fruit, vegetables and small-scale, low-conversion livestock (insects, chickens, fish) at local level. WASABI 2.0 gives priority to supporting the development of human-scale businesses wishing to become part of the short cycle, paying particular attention to their economic viability. WASABI 2.0 focuses on projects that aim to make the existing processes, products and services sustainable on which the agri-food industry is based.
The main areas of work
The Wasabi 2.0 IIS has 4 specific objectives :
- Develop and stimulate an innovatively structured horticultural agri-food industry, integrating primary production and processing, and prospecting suitable locations (rural, urban, peri-urban, business parks, brownfield sites);
- Develop organic and agro-ecological horticultural practices, and high-quality, sustainable processed products for human-scale agri-food businesses;
- Reduce the energy and environmental impact of horticultural agri-food production and develop a bio-based circular economy.
- Integrate the horticultural agri-food chain into a local distribution system, leveraging practices in short-circuit supply chain management.