Go and conquer the international market
Your company is already well established in Belgium and you feel ready to expand your market?
Do you wish to export your products or services abroad and develop winning partnerships?
Do you want to set up research and development projects with European partners? You can count on Wagralim to help you!
Expectations of an international company
- Commercial canvassing
- Implementation assistance
- Vetting the credibility of partners
- Market research
- Local Recruitment
- Incubation (of local staff)
- Search for partners to set up European projects
Our internalization services
We offer you a complementary support service to Awex to accelerate the success of your international projects.
First of all, we carry out a precise analysis of your needs and expectations (export diagnosis) and then guide you towards the most appropriate partner or solution:
- Networking with qualified players (in business, research, diplomacy, etc.) in several European countries and major export markets
- Organization of workshops on certain target countries, thematic missions and events on the fringes of major international trade fairs
- Tailored advice from experts in agri-food innovation

Move forward collectively on the international stage
We put you in touch with other members of the cluster in order to consider a collective approach on a given market: market research, international actions and missions, etc.
To this end, we created the BHIG, Belgian Health Ingredients Group or BHIG in 2012. The BHIG brings together 8 companies active in the field of nutrition and health.
Wagralim provides you with guidance and support in European projects
Are you looking for funding for your research and investment projects?
Wagralim will guide and support you in setting up strategic technological cooperation arrangements with European partners by responding to calls from the European Commission.
The guidance and support are geared mainly to the Horizon 2020, IMI, Eurostars, and structural funds programmes.
The guidance and support consist of:
- Monitoring calls for projects and awareness raising
- Optimizing your partner search with the help of our regional and international network (EEN, NCP, European clusters, etc.).
The cluster is also active in European projects and members of European consortia. Here are some examples of international projects.

Our international projects
New Frontiers in Food (NF4)
The New Frontiers in Food Fast Forward (NF4) project provides a comprehensive coaching service to stimulate international cooperation and business development for European agri-food SMEs in 4 foreign target markets (Brazil, Canada, China and the United States). It brings together 5 food clusters, namely Clusaga (ES), Food Valley (NL), Valorial (FR), Vitagora (FR) and Wagralim (BE), specializing in 3 food industry value chains: processed food, health and nutritional food products and connected food.

Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) Partnership
In order to facilitate the exchange of innovations in Europe, the Intelligent Specialization Strategy Platform (S3) aims to develop interregional cooperation by and between the various stakeholders in the agri-food sector and to build an intelligent value chain. Wagralim is positioned as the lead for nutritional ingredients and co-lead for the intelligent electronic system segment.