Procedures for submitting R&D and training projects

Is obtaining the label for your innovation projects from the Walloon Region a real obstacle course? Wagralim is there to advise and support you in all the key stages! Our experts follow and challenge your ideas to strengthen your application before it is submitted to the Walloon Government Panel for approval.

Obtain the highest rate of research subsidies thanks to our competitiveness cluster and put your projects into action!

Tell us about your project

1. Orientation meeting

Our team will meet you and analyse your letter of intent.

2. Maturity diagnosis meeting

You will meet technical experts from the cluster, representatives of the Walloon Public Service (research and financial analysis) as well as representatives of the Walloon Government panel, to carry out a qualitative analysis of your preliminary project. You will thus benefit from advice and recommendations to strengthen your application.

3. Internal Selection Committee meeting

You will present your project to the international technical experts who will assess your project as a whole.

4. Submission to the Walloon Government panel

Once your project has been challenged and strengthened, the cluster will submit your complete application to the Walloon Government.

5. Assessment and decision of the Walloon Government

Your application will be assessed by the International Panel of the clusters, before the Government makes its decision.

Calendar of calls for projects

The calls for projects follow a very specific timetable. Make sure you adhere to it when you decide to submit a project to the cluster.

Discover the calendar
The pole projects are accessible to the members of the pole only. If you wish to access the funding process and assembly assistance services, we invite you to check your membership status beforehand.

Téléchargez le kit à projets


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